Educational Events
Mondays, February 10 – March 17, 2025
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Online via ZOOM
You can’t sleep through your awakening! (even when a snooze button is so handy!)
Transform Your Life with “What’s In the Way Is the Way:
A Practical Guide for Waking up to Life.”
Are you ready for a class to help uncover the hidden gifts within life’s challenges? Join us as Rev. John DePalma leads us on a transformative 6-week journey based on Mary O’Malley’s inspiring book, What’s in the Way Is the Way.
Together, from the comfort of your own home, we’ll explore practical tools for self-awareness, mindfulness, and emotional healing, empowering us in embracing life with curiosity, compassion, and joy.
Don’t let technology stop you! If you need help setting up and using Zoom, we have tech help available. Contact Rev. Corinne and let her know if you need assistance at
Through guided meditations, engaging discussions, and interactive exercises, you’ll learn how to:
· Befriend yourself and release self-judgment.
· Let go of struggle and open your heart to life.
· Turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
· Live with greater openness, love, and purpose.
· Facilitator: Rev. John DePalma
· Duration: 6 weeks, 2 hours per class
· Starts: Mondays, February 10 – March 17, 2025
· Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
· Location: Zoom
Book: What’s in the Way Is the Way. (O’Malley) Limited copies are available at the Centre on Sunday at a cost of $25.
Investment: $120 or $20 per class
Don’t miss this opportunity to ignore the snooze button and transform obstacles into opportunities!
IMPORTANT: You can register and pay at Sunday Services, or through our Donate button link below. If you use the Donate link, just write "Online Workshop" in the comment section so we know what the payment is for.

Transformative Education
The philosophy of education at Centres for Spiritual Living is to present Science of Mind as an exciting, contemporary educational model through which learners fully experience the spiritual reality of their being. This model recognizes that all aspects of life are spiritual, as the curriculum infuses the intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of contemporary living. The educational program of Centres for Spiritual Living offers people of all ages the opportunity to realize the Presence of God, to discover their inherent creative power, and to experience the Presence and Power in their daily lives.
Those who "stay the course" form an incredible bond, unified by their dedication to apply spiritual principles to the everyday problems of human life. This is a movement from theory to embodiment. As we study the Science of Mind, we awaken to the dawning of new insights upon our consciousness. Suddenly, the words Life, Principle, Reality, the Law of Mind, Pure Awareness, God and Spiritual Mind Treatment take on a new significance. There is an excitement in working and supporting students in using the Science of Mind and Spirit, to more effectively, promptly, and constructively move through obstacles and ultimately to manifest desired results.
“Classes keep me growing. When I am involved in classes I continually work my practices and learn more about myself, which reawakens within me my Divine greatness.”
— C.L.
Current Classes
There are currently no other scheduled classes or workshops.
But please feel free to browse our past Sunday talks below or on YouTube. They're educational, too!
“Science of Mind principles are simple, and yet demand daily practice and application. When I was willing to do the work, that's when new and great manifestations started occurring in my life.”
— C.F.
“Science of Mind classes were the door that opened me not only to the spiritual principles that govern my life, but to incredible bonding with my like-minded class members!”