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Celebrating the Triumphant Journey

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna


Celebrating the Triumphant Journey

Rev. Barbara Samuel


“If an egg is broken by outside force, LIFE ENDS. If broken by inside force, LIFE BEGINS. Great things always begin from inside.


Fried, sunny side up, over easy, over medium, over hard, scrambled, poached, just egg whites… Free range, organic, brown, white, small, medium, large… time to get cracking!

It's a Soul Food Sunday! Join Rev. Barb Samuel, Neal Klassen and the rest of the Sunday crew at 10:30am on Facebook Live.

Tune in early at 10:20am to hear the music of New Thought musician Karen Drucker.



This Week’s Science of Mind Theme

Celebrating the Triumphant Journey

Our journey has brought growth, expansion, evolution and new understanding. In times of darkness and in light, we can still anchor in our unity with Spirit by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is powerful. We feel and know that our journey is a continuum. Gratitude cultivates faith, and faith aligns us in knowing that “This, too, is God. This, too, is good.”

It is important to celebrate! We celebrate the activity and presence of God in and through all life. We celebrate our connection with and as the Divine. We revel in the harvest of life, wholeness, and love. We laugh, we honour, we dance with Spirit, because we know and remember that we are One! Oneness reminds us that we are unique, individualized manifestations of God. We are Love, Power, Peace and Joy!

With gratitude and joy as our compass, we now choose to gracefully navigate the flow of life. We have lived seasons of possibility and purpose. Once again, we are ready to listen for the whisper of the Infinite Invisible. It calls from within and we heed Its song. Divine discontent has become a loving guide. With a new faith in our innate gifts and divine identities, we turn and face the sun. From the hint of new dreams, beauty’s emergence, the fullness of harvest, and ongoing transition, we embrace the perfect imperfection of it all.


Special Meeting December 5, 2021

On December 5th at 1pm, we are having a very rare (first time in over 28 years) Special Meeting of our official membership to vote in a brand new beautiful set of bylaws for our Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. (Your RSVP from the original meeting date isn’t carried over, so please RSVP for the new December 5th date.)

We require a quorum for this meeting. If you’re a signed-up 2021 member, please attend. If not, there’s still time to sign up as a 2021 CSLK member by December 4th so that your vote can be counted!


Visioning Session #2

Right after our Special Meeting, we will meet on Zoom at 2pm on December 5th for our Visioning Session #2. This is an opportunity to envision Spirit’s highest vision for our community.

Visioning is a process developed by Michael Beckwith to create a realization of our greater yet to be. It’s not visualization; it’s a process to assist us in getting in touch with what’s alive at the higher levels of our spiritual potential. All are welcome!


Celebration of Light… Lite!

Join us on December 19th at 10:30am for our special holiday season service, Celebration of Light… Lite! This will be an in-person service at the Kelowna Innovation Centre and we will be livestreaming as usual. Please RSVP on the Celebration of Light… Lite! event page on our website to reserve your seat at the theatre.


Foundations for Joy, Peace and Harmony

How do we live with joy, peace and harmony in a topsy-turvy world? Our upcoming course, Foundations of the Science of Mind, is a 10-week journey of self-discovery and reflection in a supportive group setting.

Email Amanda Pope at for more information.


Practitioner of the Week

Amanda Pope, RScP, is our practitioner of the week. Contact her directly at for your personal prayer request. Remember: our practitioners are here for you. They love to serve you with support and positive prayer (also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment). They are as close as your email and will respond to your prayer request as soon as they can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Regular Events at CSLK

Here’s a summary of upcoming events. See more details on our website.


Pre-service Meditation is on hiatus and will be re-imagined in the new year.


Coffee and Connection is every other Thursday with Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Barbara Samuel and friends. The next online gathering is on December 2 at 10am. Everyone is welcome to this time of casual connection.

Passcode: connection


After-service Community Chat is every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Join Laura, Joanne and other members of our CSLK community for a friendly catch-up chat after our Sunday Celebration. Our next Community Chat is on November 28. Everyone is welcome!

Passcode: community


Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)


Our children's VIBE program is currently being reimagined.


We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:

  1. On our website via PayPal or credit card.

  2. Through Interac money transfers sent to

  3. By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.

  4. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.



There is an invisible Presence hidden within us which has Its source in a higher Power, and which acts through our actions, wills through our minds, and reveals Itself in what we are doing.

Ernest Holmes


Copyright © 2021, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 30. Issue 47 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak



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