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Happy Monday, August 17, 2020

Writer: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

This week’s message from Dr. Deborah

Well, it indeed is a Happy Monday as I get the opportunity to extend an invitation to our first in-person service in over 20 weeks, on this coming Sunday, August 23.

We're inviting 40 beautiful souls to join the “Sunday Six” at a wonderful location in East Kelowna at our regular time, 10:30 am. It will be outdoors, with great chairs and umbrellas all supplied.

Our plan at this point is to also offer our live streaming service for those who choose not to (or are unable to) attend in person. At this point, this is in the hands of the “technology gods” — but I promise we will do our very best!

We are holding our Sunday Celebration service in accordance with the latest health guidelines here in BC. (See below for the fine print from the City of Kelowna.)

Basically, we’ll have:

  • sanitizing

  • no hugging

  • wearing a mask

  • 2 metres social distancing

You will be allowed to sit within your ‘bubble’ which is a maximum of 6 people, but no mixing with other bubbles. There will be no receiving line.

You MUST pre-register (click here) via the RSVP button. (Note: You can find this and other events under Upcoming Events on the home page of our website).

Once you RSVP, you’ll get a confirmation email with further information about the venue.

Please don’t show up without having your registration confirmed. If your plans change, we’re counting on you to please let us know asap (email so your spot can go to the next person waiting.

Dr. Kenn and I will be sharing the Sunday message, and Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen will be offering their extraordinary musical gifts.

Blessings galore, with excitement!

Dr. Deborah

P.S.: In my last Happy Monday message, I promised to share some thoughts with you about how we get to our “what’s next”. I haven’t forgotten about that, but I’m just so excited about the prospect of getting together, and letting you know first and foremost about that, so I’ll keep the rest for next week!

Also, if you missed yesterday’s talk titled The World is Getting Smaller with Dr. Kenn Gordon, you can watch it here on YouTube.



The City of Kelowna recognizes the value that events bring to our community, enhancing its vibrancy and providing significant social and economic benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all facets of community life in a profound and unprecedented way, and the events sector is no exception. Events have not been permitted to proceed over the past few months and community organizations and event organizers have struggled with the many challenges associated with event cancellations. Re-starting this important sector is a significant aspect of our community’s recovery plans. As the Province begins to ease restrictions on activities, the reintroduction of events in our community is carefully being considered. This is a complex task that will require a thoughtful, well-calculated approach based on provincial direction.

To that end, the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) has directed communities to consider three factors: a process to open safely; measures to keep people safe to avoid further outbreaks; and a “fall-back” plan in the event that a case or an outbreak should occur. Additionally, the current series of PHO recommendations are to be followed, including:

  • Prohibition of gatherings of 50 or more people;

  • Physical distancing of at least 2 metres;

  • Frequent hand hygiene;

  • Cleaning and disinfection; and

  • Self-isolations for people who have symptoms of COVID-19 for minimum of 10 days (or self-isolation for 14 days if returning to Canada from other countries).


In order to permit events in public spaces and to ensure the success of their delivery, initial parameters have been established that support PHO directives and maximize the safety of all attendees and participants. As PHO restrictions ease, these parameters will be adjusted and a broader set of allowances will be permitted accordingly. Current parameters are as follows:

  • Maximum attendance of 50 people. This includes all participants, volunteers, attendees, officials, etc.

  • No liquor services

  • No food services

  • Free events only

  • Maximum 3-hour event time.

At this time, masks are highly recommended.



“Absence sharpens love,

presence strengthens it.”

— Benjamin Franklin


Copyright © 2020 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.



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