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Happy Monday, August 21, 2023

Dear All,

Knowing what to write during times like these in Kelowna, is challenging.

With wildfires raging through our area, people have been evacuated or are on alert to leave their homes on a moment’s notice. Drawing together as spiritual community is more important than ever. Our hearts surround everyone in our community.

As I gaze out of my office window, smoke prevents me from seeing familiar landmarks; the sun is like a red dot in the sky. What I haven’t lost sight of, is the importance of staying connected to what I know for sure: the power of spiritual mind treatment, the fidelity of the Love of the Divine, and the strength of our spiritual community.

I’ve been deeply touched and grateful knowing that Kelowna and the surrounding area have been the focus of prayers from all over the world. The global call to prayer from those in our greater organization, Centers for Spiritual Living, was answered by so many. We know the power these prayers hold to create desired change in our world.

Rev. Dr. Patricia Campbell wrote to let me know that CSL Calgary offered us special blessings in song form, as they sang, “I send my love (over the mountains)". We received these blessings with gratitude.

As I write this on Sunday afternoon, it appears our courageous firefighters and first responders are gaining the upper hand. I believe fully the numerous prayers have been answered in the cooling of our heat wave and the settling of the winds. We are deeply grateful.

Thankfully, we were able to hold a Sunday service yesterday to gather to support one another. We were deeply touched by the number of people who were able to attend and by those who showed up at service. Unfortunately, we were unable to offer you the livestream service due to the impact of evacuation orders. We’ll endeavour to have this ability restored by next week.

Please be gentle, patient, and kind with yourselves and one another. Hold yourself tenderly and with compassion. It’s helpful to pause and check in with yourself and ask, “What do I need now?” Ask for help when you need it, and offer it when you can, even by offering kindness and gratitude to those you meet.

Being sure to pause and engage with spiritual practices is important right now. Affirmations, spiritual mind treatment, and meditation are balms for the mind and soul. Connecting in meaningful ways with others strengthens us.

In the magnitude of what’s required, we easily forget the importance of small acts of kindness and care towards others, but also ourselves. When we remember them, it helps us feel better, and it adds to the good of the world.

Reaching out to us for support when you need it is vital. The ministers and practitioners of our Centre are here to support you, whether it be with prayer support or just a listening ear. Our contact information can be found on the CSL Kelowna website.

Please don’t be alone or struggling if you need help or support. We are here to serve and support you.

Hugs and love,

Rev. Corinne Crockett

Assistant Minister


Copyright © 2023 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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