This week’s message from Dr. Deborah
Good day!
I want to start by thanking those of you who let me know that you appreciated my Sunday message yesterday on “Grief to Transformation”. Hearing back from you means the world to me. I am so touched to think that my sharing on this timely and challenging topic around loss and change could be of help.
If you missed it, or just want to hear it again, did you know that all of our talks are recorded and are available “on demand” anytime on YouTube? This is super valuable to know if you want to re-listen, or if you’re one of those non-Facebook people! Here’s our CSLK YouTube channel: You can also listen on our podcast:
I also loved our time together yesterday at the “Talk After the Talk.” It was so good to see some faces I hadn’t seen for a while, and it was great just to get together. We’ll do it again — stay tuned.
Did you know there’s now only 18 days until Christmas? Looking for good stuff to do? Check these ideas out…
Many of you know my son Mack (actor, writer, creative soul extraordinaire). He’s got another ‘radio play’ December holiday production on Zoom from December 10th to 24th. There couldn’t be a better way to spend an evening at home than by listening in to this creative endeavour. It's his adaptation of the Christmas classic, A Christmas Carol … In the Dark These productions are all pay-what-you-can. They’re a wonderful way to keep the spirit of the arts and “live theatre” alive in our current world. He’s gathered actors together from Vancouver, Chicago and Philadelphia to perform this long-time cherished holiday story. Get tickets for the Zoom link at Kenn and I are attending on Thursday, December 17th. It would be fun to know you’re on too!
I also want to encourage and remind all of you to make sure you come prepared for our festive holiday service on December 20th at 10:30 am on Facebook live. Remember, we’re going to re-create Dr. Kenn’s gift box Sunday. Make sure you come having pre-made your own box out of a recycled Christmas card, and we’ll fill them up together. Here's a how-to tutorial on YouTube ( All you need is a recycled card, scissors and some tape. Another highlight on that morning will be Rev. Barbara Samuel’s stirring rendition of “O Holy Night”.
Because so much of our world is now virtual, I’m delighted to be able to invite us to a plethora of borderless opportunities that are available to expand our sense of greater community. This year we’ll be joining Centers for Spiritual Living’s global iteration of the World Healing Peace Meditation on December 31st at 4 am PST. This event will join more than 500 million people from an array of faith traditions and philosophies, across seven continents, meditating simultaneously at that time. I love that we’ll be able to contribute to World Peace from the comfort of our own homes!
Continued blessings,
Dr. Deborah
PS: If you missed yesterday’s talk titled “Grief to Transformation”, you can watch on our YouTube channel or listen to it on the podcast.
Practitioner of the Week is Rev. Barbara Samuel. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact Barb directly via email at
“There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.”
— Charles Dickens
Copyright © 2020 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.