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Happy Monday, September 13, 2021

There’s a ton of great stuff and new potential brewing within the Divine idea known as the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna at this time! I want to share some of the exciting things that are coming up and some that are incubating. It seems the life of our Centre is raring to be expressed in new and wonderful ways!

We had a tremendous response to our recent community survey. We checked in to see what the pulse is on coming back in person, and what you’d like to experience through our Centre. We had about a 10% response rate from our email list (which is amazing in the world of surveys). To me, this indicates you’re interested and invested in what’s coming up. Of course (like so many things these days), there’s just about as many opinions as there are options. Most of you are interested in coming back in person when it’s safe to do so. Many of you are interested in workshops. We’ll be having a Community Zoom meeting on October 3rd to go over what the “survey says”. I hope you can join us then.

Our leadership has been working on our bylaws. As a registered Society in the Province of BC, our bylaws are our guiding principles and guidelines. A wonderful committee has come together to spruce them up, bring them into compliance with the new provincial recommendations, and generally clarify many things. For the final step, our community members will have to vote to officially adopt these new standards. I hope you can join us in a special meeting to do that, currently scheduled for November 7th.

We’ll be meeting in person this coming Sunday at the Innovation Centre (460 Doyle Avenue at Ellis Street) and of course we’ll also livestream for our people who either live too far away or are not yet comfortable meeting in person. It’s a great venue. I’ll love to hear the feedback from those who choose to come. I hope you can join us! An RSVP is required on the In-Person Sunday Celebration event page of our website. We are mandated to require masks (except for the speakers and musicians while they are on the stage), socially distance, sanitize and keep to a maximum of 50 people. If you don’t feel well, please stay at home and watch the livestream.

Innovation Centre at the corner of Ellis Street and Doyle Avenue

Finally, some potentially huge news. Your Board of Trustees and myself have come across an amazing opportunity. Many of you know that for quite some time we’ve been tossing around the idea and desire to create a new home for our community, which would mean selling the Peace Centre to free up the funds for something even better. We’ve dipped into the possibility a few times and now an opportunity has literally come to our neighbourhood. The property next door to us on Morrison Avenue is currently for sale at an incredibly high price. It moved us to consider testing the market value of our property, as having two large lots together (one of which fronts onto Pandosy Street) could be the opportunity that brings a great deal of prosperity to our Centre. At this point, it’s an idea in the Mind of the Divine, and I want to bring you all into the loop of potential before us.

I recognize that the Peace Centre has been the physical home for our community for many years and it is well loved by all of us. While I feel some emotions bubbling up at the thought of us not gathering in that same space in the future, I am reminded that the heart of our community is wherever we gather together. As we have seen over the past 19 months, we have even been able to make a home online. I also know that just as we made the property on Morrison Avenue our beautiful Peace Centre home, we will be able to do that again in whatever our next home turns out to be.

The Board has created a Peace Centre Potential Committee. We’ve just met to consider our next steps. I can promise that this will be done with the utmost consideration and taken into deep prayer before any decisions are made, and I want to bring all of you and your consciousness into this development. My prayer request which I’m hoping each of you will take into your hearts would be to sell the property in Divine Right Order at a Divine Right price (with perhaps the opportunity to have it leased back to us while we find our next perfect home). Right now we’re on the first rung of the ladder, knowing we’ll be guided to the next steps. Stay tuned, and know the very highest and best for our beloved community.

If anyone would like to discuss this, I’m as close as a phone call or email.

With love and great anticipation, Dr. Deborah


If you missed yesterday’s Sunday Celebration talk given by Amanda Pope titled Transcend and Include, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.


Practitioner of the Week is Rev. Barbara Samuel. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact this practitioner directly via email at



The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Watts


Copyright © 2021 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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Sep 14, 2021

Wow! Exciting news. I think moving forward where (and when) guided, and then being open to what unfolds is a great next step. I can't wait to see what happens next. ~Kathy

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