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Our Community 💗 July 17, 2024

What's Happening This Week at CSL Kelowna

WE HAVE ANOTHER special musical guest this Sunday, and an

inspirational talk by Rev. Corinne Crockett

  • Everything is an Invitation: A Message from Rev. John DePalma

  • Sunday, July 21: Imperfect Practices, with Rev. Corinne Crocket

  • Sunday July 21: Special Musical Guest, Linda Kidder

  • Last Sunday’s Talk: What Does Science of Mind Offer the World Today

  • A Day in the Life of Kenya: CSL Kenya Publishes Newsletter

  • Job Opening: Operations Coordinator

  • October 18, Rev. John’s Installation

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC. Doors open at 10:15 am. Please visit the event page for more details and a map. Everyone is welcome!

Or, WATCH US ON Facebook Live



Everything is an Invitation


The intention that inspires beautiful music, art and poetry often arises from the starkness of its reflection of some “imperfect” aspect of reality. It’s often a reminder of the intensity of our challenges and our imperfect ability to navigate them. In his blog cast “Everything is an Invitation” (with Tami Simon founder of Sounds True) poet David Whyte says:


“…. every human being has the right to turn away from the courageous conversation because life is full of so much disappearance, death, loss, grief, ill health, and the loss of people and places that are so heartbreaking that every human being at one time or another in their existence says, “Listen, God.”


And even if you don’t believe in God, you say, “Listen, God, if this is the game you want me to play, I’m not going to play it. It’s too heartbreaking, it’s too painful. I’m going to actually turn my face elsewhere and I’m going to make a little artificial world of my own where I don’t feel life with the keenness that I did with my last heartbreak. I’m going to create a little insulated video game of my own.”

- David Whyte


Yet turning away to cultivate our own little game/garden is an evolutionary dead end. It isolates and divides rather than raises and energizes. Within the perceived imperfections of this life that encases these lives is a richness of the human experiences many of us avoid because it is too painful and easier to avoid. Or we’re totally oblivious to it. Can we recognize, first, and then acknowledge our frustration, anger, shame, sadness and grief?


Whyte goes on to describe how a “well-felt sadness” in life can be as generative as a well- felt joy. He goes on to describe losing his lifelong friend, John O’Donohue.


“… when he passed away at the height of his powers, that was a great loss and grief in my life because we were partners in crime. He was a philosopher-poet, I’m a poet- philosopher. We also had the same sense of humor. We loved to spend time together and we loved to keep in touch with each other when we were on different parts of the world. So that was an enormous absence that opened.


But John used to quote Meister Eckhart, the great 13th century mystic. And someone who was in deep grief asked Meister Eckhart, “What is God?” which is the question we always ask, where is God and what is God? And Meister Eckhart said, “God is pure absence.” God is pure absence. The fact that you can feel that something is missing from your life is the gravitational field and the path you will follow to the very quality you feel is missing. So the path of grief is following that incredible absence in your life.


So for John, it was the sense of companionship and friendship. There was no one else in the world who did what I did, who spoke in the way I spoke, and there was no one else for him that spoke in the way he spoke and worked with the same kind of dark interior magic in a way. And so when he left, I felt completely bereft.


But as I followed that path of grief, I started to have this phenomenon where I would start a line on stage and John would finish it. I would hear John’s voice and I would follow that. Or I would start quoting John and I would finish the line with my own original thought and insight.


So in a way, grief then turns to elegy. And elegy is always the conversation between loss and celebration that you had the privilege of being alive on the planet at the same time. I mean, how incredible is that? Of all the millions and hundreds of millions of lives there have been since the beginning of conscious time, we were alive together at the same time on the same planet for a brief span of years. We got to breathe each other’s air. How incredible is that? That’s the elegy to be able to speak. And you were able to actually be in the presence and witness of that gift.


So that’s a well-felt sadness.”


We don’t all have to be world class poets to feel the truth of which he speaks so eloquently. As we experience all of life’s imperfections, can we take a moment to simply breathe, take a moment to center ourselves, take a moment to consider that nothing and no one is against us. And to recognize a glimmer of hope, and possibly beauty, and incredibly even, gratitude?

What if we each developed a competency as a community to become that consciously awake and aware?


The people who help us grow toward true self offer unconditional love, neither

judging us to be deficient nor trying to force us to change but accepting us exactly as we are... it surrounds us with a charged force field that makes us want to grow from the inside out. (Parker Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness, p. 60)


Creating a spiritual cooperative that not only is inspired and fed on Sunday morning but owns their part in the community to inspire others to make a positive difference in the world is by its nature resilient, sustainable and impactful on the sacred land on which it stands. Come be that!

Join us this Sunday as we continue our exploration of how the gifts of imperfection may be the

best part of life!

  • Rev John


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rev. Corinne Crockett

Imperfect Practices

“The people who help us grow toward true self offer unconditional love, neither judging us to be deficient nor trying to force us to change but accepting us exactly as we are… it surrounds us with a charged forcefield that makes us want to grow from the inside out.”

- Parker Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness

Life is imperfect, and the Science of Mind perspective on embracing imperfection and change is rooted in the understanding that life is in constant evolution. We recognize that perfection is not attainable, and instead, we embrace the beauty of imperfection as an integral part of our growth and expansion.

Practical application is a key aspect of this perspective. It’s not enough to simply acknowledge the concept of imperfection; we must actively engage in embracing it, challenging ourselves, and being open to new experiences.

We grow best when we are gentle, patient, and kind with ourselves. When we do this, our very lives become a spiritual practice.


Life is a mirror, and it reflects back to

the thinker what he thinks into it.

- Ernest Holmes


Sunday July 21: Special Musical Guest


Multi-talented and multi-instrumentalist, Linda Kidder

has been wowing live audiences for 40 years.

Linda’s been in show business playing professionally since she was fifteen. She’s been center stage or sideman, singing, drumming or playing bass in countless bands, touring throughout Canada, the U.S. and Europe with kd lang’s Ingenue Tour, and with Gary Fjellgaard on his many tours.

As one of Vancouver’s most sought-after session singers, Linda’s recording credits include a wide range, from kd lang, Bon Jovi, Harry Manx and Raffi, to Rita MacNeil, and Gary Fjellgaard and hundreds of jingles praising everything from Barbie to Safeway. 

Linda has three CDs of her own material, including Mum and Me, featuring her professional musician Mom, on grand piano. 

Her song, You and Me is featured in the Hallmark movie, I Do, I Do, I Do. Her song, Take Some Care of Me has been covered by the glorious voice of LJ Mounteney on her new album, Mama Danced

As well, Linda has been nominated and won eight awards from the BCCMA, the CMA and Junos for vocalist and bass player of the year. 

Presently, Linda performs at Unity of Vancouver, Unity of New Westminster and CSL White Rock. She is also in seven different bands as bass player and vocalist.

Linda continues perform solo and to write and record her own material which is on her website

Also, check out her youtube channel"

For bookings or product information, contact Linda directly 


I do not believe that God has imposed suffering upon

anyone to punish them or to teach them a lesson.

- Ernest Holmes


Last Sunday's Talk

What does Science of Mind Offer the World Today?

Rev. Bobbi Becker

Last Sunday featured a special guest speaker, Rev. Bobbie Becker from Seal Beach, California.  She shared her insights into what Science of Mind offers the World Today. If you missed her talk, or want to hear it again, click here:


The road to freedom lies not through mysteries or occult performances,

but through the intelligent use of natural forces and laws.

- Ernest Holmes


A Day in The Life of Kenya

CSL Kenya July Newsletter

Our Centre financially supports the amazing work done at CSL Kenya, in transforming lives through the teaching of Science of Mind. CSLKenya produces a monthly newsletter, but this July issue is special.  It’s the first one that was written entirely by the CSL Kenya Community. Check it out here:


“Our time should be devoted to knowing the Truth that sets humanity free from the problem of ignorance; that Truth which alone can bring enlightenment to the world, that war should cease, that people should live together in harmony because they have recognized the Divinity within each other.”

- Ernest Holmes



Operations Coordinator


We are currently accepting applications for our new Operations Coordinator position.  This position is guided by our Evolutionary Purpose:  Transforming Lives and Inspiring People to make a Positive Difference in the World, and is driven by our Values: Extraordinary Respect, Compassion, Safety and Accountability.  

This is a part-time contract position. Days per week and hours per day will fluctuate week to week.  Working Sundays and attending Sunday Service is an expectation.



The Operations Coordinator works for the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna (CSLK) to coordinate the day-to-day operations as well as business functions of CSLK.


The successful candidate will understand, embrace and embody our purpose and values, bringing their own unique abilities to support them. 


This position will shift/change/evolve over time as the needs of our community shift/change/evolve over time. 


Reports to:

This position reports to the Spiritual Director and the President (or designate) of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna.


Core Competencies Required:

  • Strong administrative/clerical skills.

o   Good grammar, writing, communication skills.

  • Exhibits proficiency in administrative software.

o   Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Adobe, Zoom, Outlook, Dropbox.

  • Exhibits proficiency with the internet and social media.


Skills Required:

  • Familiar with CSLK’s Evolutionary Purpose Statement and Values.

  • Committed to extraordinary respect, compassion, safety and accountability.

  • Must be able to maintain confidentiality.

  • Exhibits excellent interpersonal skills and has a caring and compassionate presence.

  • Communicates clearly, effectively, respectfully and comprehensively.

  • Possesses strong organizational, problem solving and time management skills.

  • Is detail-oriented, proactive, self-motivated, with creative and analytical thinking.

  • Works well independently and collaboratively with a variety of different individuals.

  • Has a growth mindset and is open and flexible with new ideas and/or opportunities.

  • Ability to lift 20 lbs.

  • Reliable transportation.


While not a requirement, being an active member of the CSLK community is preferred.



In the area coordinating day-to-day operations, we count on the Operations Coordinator for:

  • First Point of Contact.

o   Monitoring and answering cell phone, emails and deliveries in a friendly, professional manner.


 In the area of performing ongoing business functions, we count on the Operations Coordinator for:

  • Keeping up-to-date calendar for organization.

o   classes, special events, rentals, groups, meetings.

  • Creating and distributing schedule for Sunday service roles with the guidance of the Spiritual Director.

  • Coordinating and Administering organization timelines.

  • Coordinating:

o   Schedule for volunteers in collaboration with Team Leads.

o   Rental agreements.

o   Class registration and reporting to Centers for Spiritual Living.

o   Member and newcomer information.

o   Donor information and conscious giving program.

o   Dropbox account and storage of electronic files.

o   Insurance requirements.

o   Special events.

o   Equipment needs/inventory/supplies.

o   Travel itineraries and bookings as requested.

  • Relaying all Centre activity details to the Communications Coordinator.

  • Editing posts from Communications Coordinator.

  • Research when requested (products, services, themes, etc).

  • Other duties as requested by the Spiritual Director and/or President of the Board of Trustees (or designate).


In return the Operations Coordinator can count on us for:

  • Creating an environment that values extraordinary respect, compassion, safety and accountability.

  • Creating an environment that is safe to ask questions and share new ideas.

  • Providing orientation and training.

  • Flexibility in scheduling.

  • Reviewing our relationship and progress in 60 days, and then every 6 months.




  • High school diploma

  • Post-secondary education preferred

  • Foundational classes in Science of Mind preferred.


Special consideration given to:

  • Prior non-profit experience

  • Facility rental management

  • Grant writing

  • Policy and Procedure Manual writing and upkeep



For services outlined in the Job Description, the Centre for Spiritual Living Society Kelowna will pay the contractor $2000 per month as invoiced at the end of each month.

You can apply by submitting a cover letter and resume to:



Friday, October 18th

Rev. John DePalma’s Installation Gala


The plans are still in the works but save the date and plan on being there.  Enjoy dinner, followed by a sacred ceremony, and then dance the night away with Sista B and the Boyz!



Fill out your membership here,



Regular Events at CSLK

See Upcoming Events on our home page. Stay informed of all the latest news from CSLK! Subscribe now to receive notifications of future blog posts.


Sunday Celebrations start at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna. Please park on the street or at Ben Lee Park (1.5 blocks from the school). You can also watch us live on Facebook or watch the replay later on YouTube.


Our volunteers are immensely valuable to CSLK! If you can help out with making coffee, setting up and/or after-service taking down, please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email


Do you have an idea for CSLK community opportunities you’d like to experience? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email

Practitioner Support

Our ministers and practitioners are in service to all of us. If you need help to see the Truth in a situation; if you are looking for clarity; if you are struggling; our ministers and practitioners are here to support you. You can contact them through the About page on our website, or you can submit a prayer request on the Contact page.


Bring Nature’s Fare Receipts to CSLK!

Nature’s Fare grocery store receipts are worth a pretty penny to us! Bring your shopping receipts to Sunday service and place them into the receipt box on the table in front of the stage in the Studio 9 auditorium. Nature’s Fare will donate 3% of the total of your purchases to CSL Kelowna! Every receipt helps! Thank you!


Your Support Means So Much to Our Community!

We’re grateful for the ways CSL Kelowna is able to accept donations:

  1. Online via the Ways to Donate page of our website (PayPal or credit card).

  2. By Interac e-transfers sent to 

  3. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more information, please contact Rev. Melody Bailey.



"The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment"

– Thich Nhat Hanh


Copyright © 2024, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 1, Issue 23

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