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Our Community 💗 June 15, 2023


Join us for Sunday Celebration at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna.


Talk for this Sunday, June 18, 2023

Honouring the Father

— Rev. Jeanette Vinek


“The Divine Masculine is emerging. He holds a sacred space for his truth. He breathes with integral strength of beauty and vulnerability. He lives from his heart.”

— Unknown

We are all comprised of both feminine and masculine energies. The divine feminine and masculine does not refer to gender. Rather, they are archetypes: ancient, primordial energies that exists within all of us.

Divine masculine energy is an ancient archetype that embodies the characteristics of strength, logic and perseverance. It's the perfect balance to the feminine archetypical energy of nurturance, intuition and feeling. When the divine masculine energy is healthy and aligned, we are strong, determined, loving, giving and kind. We embody universal fatherhood.

Rev. Jeanette explores the idea of the Divine Masculine and how we all can use it to create a world that works for everyone.

Music will be provided by Kim and Jim Rhindress.

Join Rev. Jeanette this Sunday, June 18 at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC. Doors open at 10:15am. Please visit the event page for more details and a map. Everyone is welcome!

If you are not feeling well, please take good care of yourself and watch us on Facebook Live.


This Week’s Science of Mind Theme


Pleasure is a pleasant emotion of contentment felt deep within. It is the opposite of grief and sadness. Pleasure is imperative in every self-care process because it is the summarized feeling of self-care.

To experience pleasure, there has to be calmness and peace within your mind. Calmness and peace cannot be attained in a mind filled with turbulence, anger, and irritation.

Being pleasant opens your mind, body, and spirit to experience beautiful and wholesome feelings that are essential for your wellbeing. A calm, pure, peaceful, and comforting mind is the type of mind that can obtain the pleasure to have an awesome life experience.

To feel pleasure, you must embrace and align with the calmness and quietness of your true self.


A Successful Pride Festival

Last weekend, CSLK volunteers had a fabulous day celebrating Pride and connecting with diverse members of our community at the Pride Festival in City Park. The first team of volunteers at the booth included Pam, Lori, Rev. Corinne, Cassie, Jean and Tracy.

Lori and Pam sort through some of the give away items. By the end of the day, everything was shared out. That's about 400 bookmarks, 125 cooling neck wraps and 100 vials of bubbles – all bearing the CSLK logo!

Can you spot the soapy bubbles Rev. Corinne created?

It was a great opportunity to chat with members of the community!

A short visit to the Studio 9 booth to gift the school's director, Mike Guzzi, with one of the rainbow-coloured cooling neck wraps.

We so appreciate the partnership we have with the school and our space there.

We'd like to extend a huge thank you to all of our volunteers who spent part of their Saturday at the CSLK Pride Festival booth: Lori Legeas, Jean Elmer, Pam Desjardine, Cathleen Rivard, Tracy Anderson, Rev. Melody Bailey, Magdalena Dragomir, Lainey Hanlon, Tom Crockett and Rev. Corinne Crockett.


Paul Harris Fellow for Work with CSL Kenya

Reverends Barbara Samuel, Gwen Smith (co-spiritual leaders of CSL Kenya) along with Rev. Melody Bailey and Neal Klassen, co-musical director of CSL Kelowna, received the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow recognition, a Rotary Foundation award of the Rotary International organization.

This is an award "in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding of friendly relations among peoples of the world".

A member of Capri Rotary Club, who’s also a member of CSL Kelowna, made a substantial donation in their names in recognition of their service in creating a world that works for all.

The recipients were deeply moved and accepted the award on behalf of the CSL Kenya Board of Trustees, Conscious Living Foundation and its members.


Balancing Grief & Joy

Last weekend, Rev. Corinne Crockett gave a talk titled Balancing Grief & Joy.

Rev. Barbara Samuel led an affirmative prayer treatment before the service.

Rev. Jeanette Vinek read from the 365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes.

People greeted each other.

Practitioner (and board member) Irene Kowalchuk gave the affirmative prayer treatment from the stage.

"Just Say YES!"

Volunteer Joani made the coffee and brought cookies into the auditorium.

Watch the full service on YouTube.


Practitioner Support

Our ministers and practitioners are in service to all of us. If you need help to see the Truth in a situation; if you are looking for clarity; if you are struggling in this challenging time; our ministers and practitioners are here to support you. You can contact them through the About page on our website, or you can submit a prayer request on the Contact page.


Nature’s Fare Receipts Help CSLK!

Keep collecting your Nature’s Fare receipts; they are worth a pretty penny to us! Just put receipts from your shopping into the receipt box at the back of the Studio 9 auditorium on Sundays, and Nature’s Fare will donate 3% of the total of your purchases to CSL Kelowna! Every receipt helps! Thank you!


Regular Events at CSLK

See more details and dates under Upcoming Events on our home page.


Our Sunday Celebrations start at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna. Please park on the street or at Ben Lee Park (1.5 blocks from the school). You can also watch us live on Facebook or watch the replay later on YouTube.


We appreciate our volunteers! They make our Sundays great! Let us know if you can help out with making coffee, setting up and/or after-service taking down. Contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email


Do you have an idea for an online CSLK opportunity you’d like to see and experience? If so, please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email


We are holding the intention for re-creating a dynamic and meaningful VIBE program for children and youth. If you have an idea, interest or passion in this area, please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett.


We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the ways we are able to accept donations:

  1. Online via the Ways to Donate page of our website (PayPal or credit card).

  2. By Interac e-transfers sent to

  3. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more information, please contact Rev. Melody Bailey.



Irritation, vexation, and confusion go hand in hand to rob a man of his birthright to peace, comfort, and unity.

— Ernest Holmes


Copyright © 2023, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 32, Issue 25 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak

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