We had a full house at the Studio 9 classroom last Sunday! It was wonderful to see such a great turn out on a rainy day. If you missed it, you can watch the replay on YouTube. We are in the same classroom until the end of June. Thereafter, we will be back in the auditorium of the main building!
This Sunday’s talk:
Fragile: Handle with Care!
— Rev. Jeanette Vinek
“Love is fierce that can express in vulnerability, love is powerful that can open up in fragility.”
— Jayita Bhattacharjee
Vulnerability is a state of emotional exposure that comes with a certain degree of uncertainty. To be vulnerable means we accept the emotional risk that comes from being open and willing to love and be loved. Sometimes, when we're feeling fragile, we close ourselves off, hide away, become overwhelmed by our feelings of fear and uncertainty. Fragility is not weakness. Vulnerability is not weakness. Fragility, expressed through vulnerability, creates the opening for Spirit to express.
Rev. Jeanette Vinek shares her insights on the remarkable power of vulnerability and what happens when a community comes together softly, gently, yet with the strength of steel and the conviction of deep faith to know Truth for the individual. The miracle of Affirmative Prayer unfolds – beautifully, brilliantly, and with all of the Love, the Power and the Presence of Spirit.
Join Rev. Jeanette Vinek and our in-person congregation this Sunday, June 12th at 10:30am PT. Doors open at 10:15am. Please visit the event page for the address and parking details. Everyone is welcome!
If you are not feeling well, please stay at home and watch us on Facebook Live.
This Week’s Science of Mind Theme
Loving This Body
The best body is the body that is present, here and now. We can use our bodies to experience deep emotions and big feelings. Sometimes, we may ignore our bodies and think of ourselves as spiritual, not physical, as though the two were mutually exclusive. We come closer to and love Source by coming closer to and loving ourselves, including our bodies.
The body is an amazing and awe-inspiring manifestation of God. We are not souls trapped in fleshy containers that carry our consciousness from room to room, but rather fully integrated organisms who inhabit and contain dynamic, living temples. Our bodies exist in all their glorious variety so that the One can express itself in creative and beautiful ways. Just like there are a variety of flowers in a field, so there is a beautiful magic in bodies of all kinds.
Whatever your body is like, it is miraculous. Cells are dividing and replacing one another; mitochondria are synthesizing ATP and turning your food into energy; your entire blood supply swirls around the whole of you several times per minute; your kidneys and liver are filtering your blood; your brain is floating between your ears; and here you are. Your awareness, intention, thoughts and feelings exist in this complex and truly Divine casing. Your body does wonderful things for you. It houses your consciousness, it allows you to feel pleasure, smell scents, taste tastes; it lets you navigate the world. It lets you experience God in all Its worldly variety.
God is as much in the body as It is in the heart. By honouring and loving our bodies we have a richer experience of the Divine.

Igniting the Spirit of the Heart
Mindfulness & Spirituality Retreat
Immerse yourself in practices that deepen the connection between your heart and mind. Open yourself to the felt sense of the Divine. We will spend time in silence, time in practice, time outdoors, and time in fellowship.
Date: Friday, July 8 at 6pm to Sunday, July 10 at 4pm
Location: UBC Okanagan Campus, 3333 University Way, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
Facilitated by: Rev. Corinne Crockett and Rev. Jeanette Vinek.
Investment: $350
See more details and register on the Igniting the Spirit of the Heart event page. Contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or corinne_crockett@telus.net for further information.
Installation Celebration and Community Potluck

We will be celebrating our Assistant Minister, Rev. Corinne Crockett at an Installation Celebration after our Sunday service on July 17th.
It will be followed by a Community Potluck. See more details on the event page. Save the date!
Practitioner Support

Our ministers and practitioners are in service to all of us. If you need help to see the Truth in a situation; if you are looking for clarity; if you are struggling in this challenging time; our ministers and practitioners are here to support you. You can contact them through the About page on our website, or you can submit a prayer request on the Contact page.

Bring Receipts as a Donation
There is an easy way for you to help CSL Kelowna raise funds. Save your Nature’s Fare receipts, bring them to any Sunday service at Studio 9, and put them into the donations basket. Nature’s Fare will donate 3% of the total of your purchases to CSL Kelowna!
Our Global Vision: Forgiveness is the Norm
FORGIVENESS is the NORM is a global vision of the Science of Mind philosophy. Each week, a statement from our Global Vision will be presented in our blog and added to our Global Vision album on Facebook. (Also see 11 Shared Values.)
Inspiring Words During the Week
Connect with us through our posts on Facebook! Here are some messages we shared this week. Click on any image or go to the Things to Remember album to see more. We invite you to ‘like’, comment and share any post that resonates!
Regular Events at CSLK
See more details and dates under Upcoming Events on our home page.

Coffee and Connection is every other Thursday. Chat with Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Corinne Crockett and friends at the next online gathering on June 16 at 10am. Everyone is welcome to this time of casual connection.
Passcode: love
Do you have an idea for an online CSLK opportunity you’d like to see and experience? If so, please email Dr. Deborah Gordon at revgord@shaw.ca.
Our Sunday Celebrations start at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna. Please park on the street or at Ben Lee Park (1.5 blocks from the school). You can also watch us live on Facebook or watch the replay later on YouTube.
Pre-service Meditation and our children's VIBE program are currently on hiatus and are being reimagined.
We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:
Online via the Ways to Donate page of our website (PayPal or credit card).
By Interac e-transfers sent to donate@cslkelowna.org.
By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact Rev. Melody Bailey.
“The body is the house in which, for the present, you are living and you need to keep it in good repair by a right mental attitude toward it, experiences, and people. Your body is entitled to your respect.”
— Ernest Holmes
Copyright © 2022, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 31, Issue 24 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak